Benefits Enrollment offers your employees automated enrollment processing
for all aspects of your compensation package. This system will answer the call, process
the employee request, and forward the call -- if needed -- to the appropriate area of your
center for personal handling by a customer service representative. Twenty to thirty
percent of your call volume will typically be handled with no intervention required by
your personnel. A number of different reports provide management with the tools they
need for an accurate picture of system performance.
Time Recording provides off-site employees with an automated way to
enter time reporting via telephone. Employee numbers are gathered and verified, then
start/stop times, travel times, travel distances, and charge codes are collected and
entered into a database.
Jobs Hotline serves a wide audience by providing information about
jobs that are available.
Employment Verification Hotline provides status of an individual's employment to lenders
or other interested parties based on a social security number.
Skills and Technologies
IBM WebSphere family of products
IBM Websphere Voice Server including Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech
Envox products including Emvox 6, CT Connect, and CT ADE
Voice Data Solutions' DataTalkā¢ for Windows environments